Thursday, November 29, 2007

good working day~

went to dad's shop to help out today from 0930 till 2130 today~ was working with FIGURES and photocopy machine for the whole day~ d photocopy machine drives me crazy as it kept getting stuck and stuffs... figures are kinda fun, tho~ =D
well, heard of a funny scene between a customer and salesman... it goes something like that:
customer: so, do you wanna buy my 2nd-hand refrigerator?
salesman: i don't think so as it is not in a good condition.. it's spoiled, no?
customer: NOOOOOOO (the longest no u've ever heard?)... it is not spoiled... just that kenot cold only~~ (i wonder what's d MAIN purpose of a refrigerator =.=)
salesman: haha... right... =.=
customer: before, this refrigerator is new, ya know? (duhhh... obviously it is new BEFORE... but now it is old ad bahhhhhh =.=)

hahah... saying all sorts of things just to sell his/her ONCE-NEW refrigerator... =.=

ah wellsss... anyway... i find our fishes really cute! =D when it's feeding time, the whole school of fishes will say helllllooo to u when they see someone~ ahha... i tried putting my finger into d pond and they literally SUCK my fingers!!! ahhaha.... it feels good, tho.. ticklish~ *grinz* =P
a few photos of daddy and fishies:

dat'z all for today~ =)
current song: Michael Buble- It Had to be You~


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