Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hari Raya? not for me~

Oh GREAT~! it's Hari Raya~!!!Y
(yeah right! SOOOOOOOOOOO g-r-e-a-t for me =.=)r

i BASICALLY spent my day dating Mr. Biology, Mr. Maths, and Mr. Psychology in a romantic place called Starbucks in SS15.. the worse part is i have to pay for my own pathetic cup of Lemon Tea Shake which cost me RM 11.55~!!! roar roar! makes me feel sooooo rich! haha..
Yhowever, i grow to love the environment in Starbucks~ =) very relaxing with the aroma of coffee *takes a deeeeeep breath*.. it rained after that and i manage to capture a few photos =)

In Starbucks while raining outside~

My date, Mr. Biology, my RM 11.55 cup of drink, and my best companion, cellphone~

Feeling hungry after that and my id was asking for French fries since yesterday night (and there are no any vegetarian food i can eat in Starbucks), i took the opportunity to run to McDonalds, which is situated directly beside Starbucks when the rain stops for a moment.. haha... and the result of satisfying my id?

satisfying my id (look behind!)

it's raining HEAVILY~!

wanted to go back to my room already after my fries-eating-session but i was stucked in the rain! well... so, i tot i can continue to date my dearest boyfriend-sss... ended up me staring at him and he stare RIGHT BACK at me! hehehe...

SEE~! told u he's staring right back at me, blankly! =P

anyways, i continued to stare and did study him a lil until the rain stops and i walk back to my room.. how sad, eh? eveybody seems to be with their family today, except for me =( wish that i'm back home in Penang... hmmmzz... that's all for the boring day of mine~

current song: Krezip - I agree

current mood: still a lil homesickH and BORED!


Blogger princesz said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee thing!!!

October 13, 2007 at 7:24 AM  
Blogger iget said...

errrr... princesz? who r u?

October 13, 2007 at 10:45 AM  
Blogger chocolate@pple said...

you are not the only one not spending ur holiday the right way~!
even though, i'm at home but no one is home and i spend my day staring at the tv and comp...
cant bring myself to agree to a date with maths... haha~
so, you got someone right here suffering the same thing...

October 14, 2007 at 12:34 AM  
Blogger iget said...

awww~~ *high 5 to Cyn*
thanks~! at least i know that i'm not alone~ =) hehe

October 14, 2007 at 4:22 AM  

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